
5-25-2013 - Larry Salyer - Church of God (Part 5): Why Do We Say The True Church?

There are many false churches who profess Christ, but do not follow or obey Christ.  The true church is described throughout scripture.  Christ purchased the true Church with His Blood.  Those in the true church have the Holy Spirit.

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5-18-2013 - Frank Pierce - Do We Believe Without Seeing?

Satan has spiritually blinded the world.  We need God’s help through His Holy Spirit to understand the vision of eternal life and to do our part by trusting God.

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5-4-2013 - Larry Salyer - Looking Toward Pentecost

A review is presented of the spiritual framework surrounding the Holy Day of Pentecost. Shown are its ties to the wave sheaf offering during the Days of Unleavened Bread and to the Feast of Trumpets. Jesus Christ was resurrected as the first born from the dead during Unleavened Bread and...

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5-11-2013 - Chris Rochelle - Micah 6:8 - Walking Humbly Before Your God (Split)

In Micah 6 God is reminding Judah (and us) of their/our Salvation as a gift from God.  The last of three specific things that God requires of us in verse 8 is to walk humbly with our God.  This means we need to understand our relationship to God, to...

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4-27-2013 - Larry Salyer - God’s People Keep His Commandments

God’s Law is intended as a blessing to guide the lives of His people so that they choose not to sin.  The spirit of the perfect Law of Love addresses intents, motives, and attitudes leading to Godly character.

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4-20-2013 - Larry Salyer - Where Are We Safe?

Placing the terrorist Boston Marathon bombing in context, God will accomplish his plan of creating the family of God despite such evil events becoming much worse at the end of the age.  For the sake of the elect, Christ will return and intervene to save mankind from complete destruction.

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4-13-2013 - Bryan Waddle - God’s People

‘I will be their God, and they will be My people.’  Four physical to spiritual principles are presented: Healing power of the Lamb, Death at Midnight, Wings of an Eagle, and Safety in the House of the Lord.

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4-6-2013 - Larry Salyer - God Wants to Give Us His Character

God’s character is what he is, it determines everything He does.  He wants to give us the same Godly character traits that He has and to put us in His Family, but we need to do our part. Then we can develop traits like loving with Godly...

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3-26-2013 - Larry Salyer - Deflating the Self Through Unleavened Bread

The seven Days of Unleavened Bread are not to be taken lightly by spiritual Israel as they are intended to foster spiritual growth.  Recognizing that sin is contagious helps us overcome sin.  Not thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought helps us to trust in the Eternal...

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3-23-2013 - Larry Salyer - Christ’s Crucifixion

Highlights are presented of prophetic fulfilled events surrounding Christ's death on the stake.  We have been freed from the penalty of sin by Christ's sacrifice and reconciled and given access to God.

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