
The Significance of Wells

What does the Bible say about wells? What purpose did they serve and what did they represent?

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Biblical Masculinity: Define, Defend, Restore, Preserve

Men, manhood, and masculinity are under attack. How can we understand God's purpose and intent for manhood; and restore and exemplify the biblical concept of masculinity.

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Climate Change in the Bible

The scientific community claims that human activities are driving the world's climate change trend. Are they? Let's explore what the Bible has to say about climate change.

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Becoming Sons and Daughters of Encouragement

"Son of encouragement" -- What can be learned from the meaning behind this name and the personal example of the man who was known by it?

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Bible Study: Who Is Melchizedek?

On the surface, it seems that Scripture provides very little information about a mysterious figure known as Melchizedek. A deeper look proves otherwise. Who was this individual and why does it matter to New Testament Christians?

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Being a Roadrunner in a Wile E. Coyote World

A compelling spiritual parallel can be found within the plot line of a well-known television cartoon. 

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Take this Yoke

The Bible uses the word "yoke" many times.Some uses are very positive, but some are quite negative.Since everyone is under the yoke, we must ask who holds the reins of your yoke?

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Politics: Where Do We Fit In?

What does the Bible say about getting involved with the political systems on this world? Note: There is no video recording available for this message.

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Pursuing True Happiness

The pursuit of happiness; a quest by many, yet few find lasting happiness. Is true happiness found in the things we own or the titles we hold? Let us look at what a Psalm says about pursuing happiness that last.

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Preparing for Prophecy Through the Life of Joseph

We must through many tribulations enter the Kingdom of God. We glory in those tribulations because we recognize how they can produce something in our lives. Let’s explore the life of Joseph and discuss what tribulations produced in his life.

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