
12-14-3013 - Frank Pierce - Giving Glory to God (Split)

By learning God’s ways, proving all things and holding fast to the truth, and growing in grace and knowledge, we are submitting to God and developing Godly character with the help of the Holy Spirit.  As the part of Creation made in God’s image, called...

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12-14-2013 - Bryan Waddle - Reflecting God’s Glory (Split)

As the moon reflects the sun’s bright light, we can reflect God’s glory and light to a dark world.  We are created in God’s image and with the Holy Spirit we can show the full character of God and let it illuminate our...

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11-30-2013 - Larry Salyer - If Your Eye Be Single

If we keep our focus in life on seeking first the Kingdom of God AND His righteousness, not being distracted into turning to the right or the left off the straight path, we will be rewarded by help from God towards developing righteousness and reaching our goal of eternal life...

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11-23-2013 - Larry Salyer - Thanksgiving to God

We joyfully give our praise and thanks to God not only on Thanksgiving, but every day for our blessings as a nation and as families and individuals.  We enjoy the material and spiritual blessings of Abraham where even death will be done away through Jesus Christ.  Giving thanks...

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11-2-2013 - Larry Salyer - What Does It Mean For Christians to Overcome?

Overcome means to subdue, conquer, or win against something that would pull us down, but it also means to try to be like God.  It is not within our physical power to spiritually overcome.  Our faithfulness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and is what allows us...

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10-19-2013 - Larry Salyer - We Need God To Be Our Spiritual GPS

God’s Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us to our destination of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.  But we need to recalibrate and reassess where we are now in order to find our way with God’s help.  We will have arrived...

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10-12-2013 - Larry Salyer - The Feast As Launching Pad For Growth

In returning from the Feast we need to use the knowledge and inspiration we gained to grow spiritually.  God will work with us to help us grow if we do our part.

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10-5-2013 - Larry Salyer - Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles

Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles is commanded by God for us to fear God and rejoice so that we can understand more of God’s Plan and purpose for us.  We are to care for one another and share the joy through fellowship.  Prepare now for next...

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9-14-2013 - Larry Salyer - World Government Will Undergo Dramatic Change

Satan is the current god of this world, but Satan will be banished with the sins of the world he has caused.  Sinless Jesus Christ defeated Satan thereby qualifying to rule the earth, will take his place when Christ returns, and sacrificed Himself to atone (pay the penalty in...

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9-7-2013 - Frank Pierce - Change To a Pure Heart

Our hearts are deceitful and wicked, so we need to repent, and change our hearts with God’s help.  We are in a spiritual battle against Satan for our hearts, with our salvation at stake.  God works within us to prepare us to be firstfruits, where the...

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