5-12-2012 - Frank Pierce - The Value of Kindness in Our Lives
– May 15, 2012
Kindness is giving of yourself to help others. Kindness is a fruit of the spirit and a Godly character trait Christians are to develop. Whatever you want others to do for you, you should first do for them.
4-28-2012 - Larry Salyer - The Biblical Foundation of Tithing
– May 7, 2012
God owns everything in the world and commands us to give one-tenth of our productive income to the church headed by Jesus Christ for preaching the gospel and supporting the ministry. God will bless us if we follow this commandment.
4-21-2012 - Frank Pierce - Unity of The Body of Christ To Do The Work of God
– April 24, 2012
Things we can do to achieve unity and teamwork are: Focusing on the common goal of seeking the Kingdom, and maintaining common beliefs and values; appreciating each other, and having an attitude of service; spending time together, being willing to work out problems, and praying for one another.
4-14-2012 - Larry Salyer - Hold Fast What You Have
– April 16, 2012
You have to be willing to forsake all of value to you to follow Christ. Satan constantly tries to undermine your commitment, but be of good cheer, it is God’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
4-7-2012 - Larry Salyer - Christ Deleavens His Church
– April 9, 2012
Learning to Discern Good and Evil, Let Us Keep The Feast With the Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth. Let Him Who Thinks He Stands Take Heed Lest He Fall.
3-31-2012 - Larry Salyer - The Passover Sacrifice Symbolizes Payment For Sin and Enables Salvation
– April 5, 2012
God Wanted Israel to Remember That God Saved Them From Death of Their Firstborn in Egypt For Obeying God. The Physical Sacrifice Foreshadowed the Spiritual Meaning of the Payment for Our Sin.
3-17-2012 - Larry Salyer - In Light of Christ’s Sacrifice, Reconcile and Forgive
– March 19, 2012
Passover Memorializes The Death of Christ; The Way You Forgive Others Is How God Forgives You.
2-25-2012 - Frank Pierce - Using Our Words Wisely
– March 14, 2012
Let Our Words Show Respect and Honor For God and All Men
2-18-2012 - Larry Salyer - What Is Man Doing?
– March 14, 2012
Man Is Going His Own, Wrong Way
2-11-2012 - Larry Salyer - What Is God Doing Today?
– March 14, 2012
God Is Bringing Many Sons To Glory