6-24-2017 - Larry Salyer - Rejoice in the Greatness of God

Because God is Who He is, we can both sorrow in the loss of a loved one and look forward in hope of the family of God.  He has the power to fulfill His plan for us even though we are counted as the small dust on the scale.  God says He will take care of us even though we don’t know Him.

Runtime: 62 Minutes

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57 MB - Isa 45:5, Jer 32:27, Joshua 10:12-14, Isa 38:8, Psa 146:1-6, Exod 20:8-11, Isa 40:15, Rom 3:9-13, Psa 50:8-12, Isa 46:5, 9-10; Gen 1:26-27, Heb 2:6-10, Luke 16:19-25, 26-31; Acts 4:8-12, Rom 8:16-17, Heb 10:23-25,
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