6-21-2014 - Chris Rochelle - Walking in Love, Light, and Wisdom

Imitate God in everything.  This is called walking in the narrow way.  Three ways are examined: in love, in light, and in wisdom. 

Runtime: 54 Minutes

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62 MB - Ephes 4-6, Ephes 4:1, 1:4, 2:19, 3:6; Ephes 4:12-13, 24; Ephes 5:1-7, 1 John 4:8, 2 John 3:16-17, Ephes 5:8-15, Rom 12:1, 1 Pet 1:15, Matt 5:14, Prov 2&3, Ephes 5:15-21, Deut 4:6
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